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December 18: Quick reference guide to in-person classes during Spring 2021
- All faculty who are teaching face to face are being provided with N95 masks (five per instructor) for use in the classroom. Instructors should contact their college or unit HR liaison or administration for details on how these masks will be distributed.
- Students are expected to wear a mask at all times in the classroom. Classrooms will be stocked with disposable masks to offer to any student who comes to class without a mask. Facility Services will monitor the supply and replenish as needed.
- If students refuse to wear a mask, instructors may ask them to leave class. If a student refuses to leave, the instructor may adjourn class or, if a student becomes disruptive, may call UPD for assistance at 352-392-1111.
- Instructors can access their class roll on my.UFL.edu at any time to determine whether students are cleared to attend class in person
- Students will be seated in classrooms 6 feet apart to maintain physical distancing from each other and from the instructor.
- Classrooms will be cleaned each morning prior to the start of classes. UF’s custodial workers will follow UF Health expert guidance and CDC guidelines, using chemicals approved by the CDC, to clean and disinfect surfaces and touchpoints in classrooms, offices and restrooms before the start of each academic day
- Help is available to get you up to speed on HyFlex:
Additional information can be found at